Labels:text | screenshot | tablet computer | rectangle OCR: BIRDS - Do you kno Do you know me Where do 11h Theatre Movie Theater Amphibian FISH Discovering Animals Designed for children from age 4 to 12, this fun package of 5 catagories of animal Cha edutainment provides hours of fun-filled Manin Thede education and entertainment along with MAMMALS audio and video presentations, attractive animal game plays, and amusing children music. Journey with insects, amphibians reptiles, mammals, and birds, little cats, lions, REPTILES koalas, aligators, elephants, and other animals will bring fun to children! Our professional animal education program will bring to your Movie children the greatest benefits that you cannot expect from other animal encyclopedia. Power Source Multimedia System requirements: 386, 486 or Pentium 800*600 resolution More than 256 c ...